5 Rewrite the sentences using the words given.
Do not change the meaning.
1 It's a good idea to stay at home and revise this
evening, should
and revise this evening.
2 It isn't necessary to give this homework in
tomorrow. have
this homework in tomorrow.
3 Eating in class isn't allowed. we
in class.
4 I'd like to be rich and go round the world. if
round the world.
5 My advice is to go to bed early. if
to bed early.
6 You should buy your mum a present to say
thank you. would
If I
to say thank you.
7 It's too cold to go to the beach today. enough
to the beach today.
8 Apples are healthier than crisps not



Ответ дал: leralvk


  1. We should stay at home and revise this evening.
  2. We don't have to give this homework in tomorrow.
  3. We can't eat in class.
  4. If I were rich, I would go round the world.
  5. If you want my advice, go to bed early.
  6. If I were you, I would buy your mum a present to say thank you.
  7. It's not warm enough to go to the beach today.
  8. Crisps are not as healthy as apples.
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