Пожалуйста, решите сколько сможете, прошу



Ответ дал: Victor1a64



№1 (страница 1)
1) You can't believe it, can you?
2) She hasn't arrived yet, has she?
3) The problem was too complicated, wasn't it?
4) They are playing tennis, aren't they?
5) They water in the pond is too cold, isn't it?
6) She hasn't written the letter, has she?
7) She doesn't like taking photos, does she?
8) The story has been very interesting, hasn't it?
9) Your pen friend isn't polite, is he?
10) Our cousins won't go out tomorrow, will they?

№2 (страница 1)

1) it's easy to understand, is it?
2) i can't imagine him without her, can't i ?
3) we have made the most important discovery, have we ?
4) the book isn't so boring, is it?
5) the city traffic is quite busy, is it?
6) he arrived yesterday, did he?
7) the village is situated in the northern part of the area, is it?
8) the sportsmen are tired, are they?
9) you can't see anything in the driving rain, can you?
10) his idea is quite clear, is it?

№1, 2 (страница 2-3) хз

№1 (страница 4)
I- myself

you - yourself

he - himself

she - herself

it - itself

we - ourselves

they - themselves

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