Unit 4 Grammar/ Vocabulary Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters are given. diet that includes protein, vegetables and grains is very import Ab If you get hungry during the afternoon, you can have a healthy s - Our m salad includes lettuce, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. black pepper or do you buy whole peppercorns? meal including Do you buy g . This restaurant serves a delicious t and a dessert. The s -C salad is small enough that you can eat it with your meal and not too full.​


Ответ дал: pon9


A diet that includes protein, vegetables and grains is very important.

If you get hungry during the afternoon, you can have a healthy snack.

Our mixed salad includes lettuce, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes.

Do you buy ground black pepper or do you buy whole peppercorns?

A meal including vegetables is always a good idea.

This restaurant serves a delicious entrée and a dessert.

The side salad is small enough that you can eat it with your meal and not be too full.

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