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Ответ дал: pvpgigo25


Are you going on the trip to Kyiv tomorrow?

Yes, what time does the coach leave in the morning?

7:45, so I have to get up early.

Where is your class going for your end-of-year trip?

To the Carpathians. We are staying there for about ten days.

How long will you stay there?

We will leave on June 29, the day the term ends.

I will meet you this evening outside the cinema.

Well, I am going to the office now. I will be back later in the day.

OK. Are you taking your umbrella? It will rain later in the day.

I'm sure you will enjoy the film this evening. It's very good. I know. The only trouble is that it starts at 6:45 p.m.

4. Can you give Joe a message for me?

This light doesn't work. The bulb is probably burned out. Where are the new light bulbs? I will see him at the meeting this evening.

Sure. I will get one for you. When are you leaving for Florida?

Tomorrow. Just think! Two days from now I will be lying on the beach in the sun.

Sounds great! I will think about you. Will you see your parents this Saturday?

Sure. Why?

Don't forget to give my love to them.

I know I never write as well as my sister.

What are you doing after class?

I will eat at the cafeteria with Cindy. Do you want to join us?

It's very stuffy in here. Shall I open the window?

Will Sue be free at 11:30?

No, she will be giving a press conference at that time.

Don't worry. I will pay you the money tomorrow.


Ответ дал: zhaksyy
Are you going to (go) on the trip to Kyiv tomorrow?
Yes, I am going to go on the trip to Kyiv tomorrow.
What time does the coach (leave) in the morning?
The coach leaves at 7:45, so I will have to get up early.
OK. Do you (take) your umbrella? It looks like it might rain.
Thanks for reminding me. I will take my umbrella.
Are you meeting your friends later today?
No, I am going to the office now. We can meet this evening outside the cinema.
What train are you taking later in the day?
I haven't decided yet.
Where did you go on vacation last year?
To the Carpathians. We went hiking and saw some beautiful mountain scenery.
How long did you stay there?
About ten days.
Well, I hope you had a great time.
Yes, it was a wonderful experience.

Well, I think I will go on the trip to Kyiv tomorrow.
That's great! What time does the coach leave in the morning?
The coach leaves at 7:45, so I will have to get up early.
Are you going on your end-of-year trip with your class?
Yes, my class is going on the end-of-year trip. We leave on June 29, the day the term ends.
Where are you going for the trip?
We haven't decided yet. It's still being planned.
How long will you stay there?
We will stay there for about three days.
I'm going to the office now. Did you take your umbrella? It looks like it might rain.
Yes, I took my umbrella. Thanks for reminding me.
Sure, no problem. Will you be available to meet me this evening outside the cinema?
Yes, I can meet you this evening outside the cinema.
Are you taking the train later in the day?
No, I am not taking the train today.

I'm sure you will enjoy the film this evening. It's very good. It starts at 6:45 p.m.
I know. The only trouble is that I have a message for Joe. Can you give it to him for me?
Sure. I will see him at the meeting this evening.
This light doesn't work. The bulb is probably burned out. Where are the new light bulbs?
They are in the cupboard in the kitchen. I can get one for you.
When are you leaving for Florida?
Tomorrow. Just think! Two days from now, I will be lying on the beach in the sun.
Sounds great! I will be thinking about you.
Are you going to see your parents this Saturday?
Yes, I am. Why?
Don't forget to give my love to them. I know your mother never writes, as well as my sister.
What are you going to do after class?
I'm going to eat at the cafeteria with Cindy. Do you want to join us?
It's very stuffy in here. Should I open the window?
Is Sue free at 11:30?
No, she won't be free then. She is giving a press conference at that time.
Don't worry. I will give you the money tomorrow.
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