4 ✰✰✰ Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. 1 Which books do you prefer, fiction or non- fiction? Why? 2 What was the first novel you ever read? What did you enjoy about it? 3 Have you ever read a sequel that was better than the first book? What was it, and why was it better? 4 Do you buy hardbacks, paperbacks, or both? Why? 5 What is your favourite plot from a book you have read?

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Ответ дал: pmoalk
1. I totally prefer fiction books, cause the make me feel like i’m in another universe and I’m watching the life of completely different people. 2. The first novel I’ve ever read was The Jungle Book. I enjoyed it very much cause it’s the book that perfectly represents family relationships and the importance of trust and love. 3. I’ve read a few sequels and I can surely say that no sequel is better than the first book, it’s almost impossible. 4. I buy both, but absolutely prefer hardback, cause it’s more beautiful, it’s easier to read and longer to stay in normal condition. The one disadvantage about hardbacks books, that they’re much more expensive the paperbacks ones. 5. The favourite plot is from a book “The Queen’s Gambit”, cause it is breathtaking, and shows a lot of life problems, such as: sexism, alcoholism, the numerous orphans and the bad attitude to them. And a lot more.
Ответ дал: zhaksyy
1. I prefer fiction books over non-fiction books because I enjoy escaping into different worlds and characters. Fiction allows me to use my imagination and explore new ideas in a way that non-fiction cannot.
2. The first novel I ever read was "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl. I enjoyed the sense of wonder and magic in the story, and the way it transported me to a world of chocolate rivers and fantastical inventions.
3. Yes, I have read a sequel that was better than the first book. It was "The Subtle Knife" by Philip Pullman, which is the second book in the "His Dark Materials" trilogy. I found it better than the first book because it had more action and a more
complex plot.

4. I buy both hardbacks and paperbacks, depending on the book and my budget. If it's a book that I want to keep for a long time, I usually buy a hardback. If it's a book that I only plan to read once, I buy a paperback.
5. My favorite plot from a book I have read is from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I loved the way the story explored themes of racism, justice, and growing up through the eyes of a young girl. The character development of Scout and her relationship with her father was also very touching.

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