1) to receive/ revise and send e-mails
2) to do / go online shopping
3) to design / draw web pages
4) to download /search music and films
5) to join /enter newsgroups
6) to share interests with chatrooms / chatgroups
7) to make virtual/ «chat» friends
8) to search/ surf the Internet

перебудуйте речення а active voice
1) This mobile application was developed in China
2) Instagram. is very widely used by celebrities
3) I hope this device will be introduced by Ukrainian scientist ​


Ответ дал: AcerBoy


Не зрозумів, яке завдання у першій частині.

Виконав завдання з будуванням речення в active voice


Chinese developers developed this mobile application.

Celebrities widely use Instagram.

Ukrainian scientist will introduce this device, I hope.

vrednaakapriznaa933: Choose and circle the correct words. 1) to receive/ revise and send e-mails 2) to do / go online shopping 3) to design / draw web pages 4) to download /search music and films 5) to join /enter newsgroups 6) to share interests with chatrooms / chatgroups 7) to make virtual/ «chat» friends 8) to search / surf the Internet Помогите
alya77s7777: 1) to receive and send e-mails
2) to do online shopping
3) to design web pages
4) to download music and films
5) to join newsgroups
6) to share interests with chatrooms
7) to make virtual friends
8) to search the Internet
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