How/why are you? I’m sitting/sat by a swimming pool and I’m drinking/drank a cold glass of fresh pineapple juice. It’s very hot here but I’m staying/stayed cool under a palm tree! But it’s not all relaxing! The day before yesterday, we ‘re seeing/saw all the famous Roman ruins, I ‘am buying/bought a book to show you. It’s got great photo in it. We’ve having/had a guide for the day, and he ‘s telling/told us about a very good restaurant. We ‘re going/went there yesterday evening-delicious food and so cheap! Wish you are/were here!


Ответ дал: kaatrinnnn


1) How

2) I`m sitting

3) I`m drinking

4) I`m staing

5)  saw

6) bought

7) we`ve had

8) told

9) went

10) were


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