Написати 6 речень про свою любиму пору року з англійської мови

(Моя любима пора року літо)



Ответ дал: Wolf11043



my favorite season is winter. I love it because you can play in the snow and. Make a snow woman. And you can also compete to see who can make a bigger snow house. I adore winter. Winter is the best season of the year

Ответ дал: htoto2


1. My favorite season is autumn. The weather is just right-not too hot and not too cold. I love the colors of the leaves changing, from green to yellow, orange, and red. The smell of crisp air and the sound of crunching leaves under my feet is invigorating. Autumn is also the season of harvest, with plenty of delicious fruits and vegetables. Finally, I enjoy wearing cozy sweaters and sipping warm drinks as I watch the leaves fall outside. All in all, autumn is the perfect time to relax, reflect, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

2. My favorite season is summer. I love the warmth and the long sunny days. It's the perfect time to relax on the beach and go swimming in the ocean. I also enjoy the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season during the summer. The vibrant colors of the flowers and the green leaves of the trees create a beautiful and refreshing atmosphere. Overall, summer is a season of joy, fun and endless possibilities for adventure and new experiences.

3. Spring is a beautiful season that brings a sense of renewal and new beginnings. The days become longer and the weather starts to warm up, which is a welcome change after the cold winter months. I enjoy watching the flowers and trees bloom, bringing a burst of color to the landscape. It's a great time to get outside and enjoy nature, whether it's going for a hike or simply taking a walk around the neighborhood. As the weather improves, it's also a good opportunity to do some spring cleaning and get organized for the rest of the year. Overall, spring is a wonderful time of year that brings a sense of hope and optimism.


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