Across: 3 the past tense of break, 4 the past tense of have the past tense of jump. 5 8 the past tense of run 9 yesterday I. 11 the past tense of dream 14 the past tense of sleep. 15 this morning many birds sky 19 the past tense of drive. to music in the​



Ответ дал: aneliasultanalieva


  1. wrote
  2. began
  3. broke
  4. had
  5. jumped
  6. played
  7. watched
  8. ran
  9. listened
  10. rained
  11. dreamt
  12. ate
  13. stood
  14. slept
  15. flying
  16. -
  17. went
  18. won
  19. drove
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