Choose the right option:

1) His parents am\is\are kind.

2) My mother clean \cleans the rooms every day.

3) Do\Does you go to work every day?

4) My sisters don’t\doesn’t like to read.

5) He wear /wears a hat on his head.

6) I wear helmet \gloves on my hands.


Ответ дал: alexander1803


1. His parents are kind.

2. My mother cleans the rooms every day.

3. Do you go to work every day?

4. My sisters don't like to read.

5. He wears a hat on his head.

6. I wear a helmet and gloves on my hands.

godfather1008: Спасибо
Ответ дал: Mubishux2009
1 are
2 cleans
3 do
4 don’t
5 wears
6 gloves
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