Your turn 6 Choose a painting. Use the Internet to find out information about it. Think about ... who painted it and when. the use of perspective in the painting. what you like/don't like about the painting. Share your ideas in class. Learn about renaissance painters. Where did the renaissance begin?​


Ответ дал: g2153050


I chose Da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper". This masterpiece was painted between 1494 and 1498 in the Dominican convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy.

One of the most striking features of The Last Supper is its use of linear perspective. Da Vinci's use of perspective creates a sense of depth and three-dimensionality in the picture, enhancing the dramatic effect of the scene. The painting also demonstrates da Vinci's mastery of composition, with the placement and pose of the figures adding to the overall drama and emotion.

What I especially love about this painting is the way da Vinci captured the expressions and emotions of each of the twelve apostles. Their faces are full of personality and emotion, adding to the realism of the scene. Also, the attention to detail in depicting the food and drink on the table is impressive.

Overall, The Last Supper is an incredibly moving painting that still captivates audiences today. This is a testament to Leonardo's skill as a painter and his ability to capture the essence of the scene with technical precision and artistic flair.

As far as the Renaissance is concerned, it began in Italy in the 14th century and spread throughout Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. Renowned for their mastery of techniques such as perspective and realism, Renaissance painters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael continued to be noted for their beauty and artistic innovation.


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