1. When you (arrive)
2. She (not help)
3. As soon as it (get)
3. We (keep).
4. Till the streets (be)
5. When the phone (ring)
6. You can (take)
a flash card.
7. I (come)
friends from the university.
we (go)
until we (ask)
warmer, I (go)
the sheep until we (sell)
them on the market.
will stay
it up.
somebody (pick)
pictures inside the gallery as long as you (not use)
full of cars, I (stay)
to your party after I (eat)
him when he (return)
her to do it.
for a walk to the
dinner with old
home from work.

myshapro: Что делать?
alina19598: Надо раскрыть скобки и поставить will или же present simple


Ответ дал: klumbkids



1 When you arrive, we will stay together.

2 She does not help.

3 As soon as it gets warmer, I will go for a walk in the woods.

4 We keep it up until we sell them on the market.

5 When the phone rings, somebody will pick it up.

6 You can take pictures inside the gallery as long as you do not use a flash card.
7 I will come with friends from the university.

После 7 я не понимаю что за набор слов идет

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