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Ответ дал: kiragrudovic


we ate sandwiches yesterday. Last year I loved watching detective stories. When Mom came home, I was doing my homework. I finished the book by last night. this watch was bought at auction. On Monday I was at the water park with my parents. If I hadn't given her the keys, she wouldn't have crashed the car.

before we met, she was obsessed with reading. it was obvious that my parents would punish me if I got bad grades. we took our dog to the shelter. due to earthquakes in Turkey, many people died. a few hours ago there was another huge tornado in Canada. we didn't want it to happen like this. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. Michael Jordan was a great and talented basketball player.

Ответ дал: angelinameshter

1.I bought book

2.My friend could ride in bike

3.I stayed in a hotel

4.We travelled by plane

5.Did you have car?

6.I went out with my friends

7.We swam on river

8.I and my family visited the museum

9.We ate out every night

10.I didn't have a problem.

11.Jane flew in a helicopter

12.He bought a new car

13.Helen didn't like the hotel

14.Did you see the Statue of Liberty?

15.They went to Madrid last week

kiragrudovic: эээ а где предлоги
angelinameshter: ой
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