3 Complete the exchanges with might, could, needn't, ought to, don't have to. 1 A: You … … sign Joe's birthday card. B: OK. I'll do it right after the meeting is over. 2 A: You … … have typed the report. Sheila had already done it. B: I wish you'd told me! 3 A: Why isn't Chloe in the office yet? B: She … 4 A: You … … have missed the bus. work overtime this weekend. B: That's a relief! 5 A: Bill's a great photographer, isn't he? B: Yes, he … … use a camera when he was only five.​



Ответ дал: netbro99


A: You ought to sign Joe's birthday card.

A: You needn't have typed the report. Sheila had already done it.

A: Why isn't Chloe in the office yet?

A: You could have missed the bus.

A: Bill's a great photographer, isn't he?

zubeyr846: Спасибо большое
bakytgulsankereeva: Спасибо огромное очень помог
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