Imagine you are a super hero and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission.​


Ответ дал: pupkinll2016


As you know, my mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. To do this, I believe I need to be a super hero with certain extraordinary powers.

My first power would be the ability to float in the air, so I could get a bird's eye view of road conditions. This way, I could easily spot any unsafe conditions or road hazards.

My second power would be superhuman speed. This would help me quickly travel across great distances, to repair any broken infrastructure and make sure roads are clear and safe for children.

The third power I would need is super strength. With this power, I could lift and repair colossal objects while making roads safer.

Finally, I would need superhuman senses. This would enable me to observe far away places and detect hidden dangers. I could then take steps to remove these dangers and make roads significantly safer.

I believe these four powers are essential for me to fulfill my mission. With your help, I am confident I can make roads around the world safer for the children.

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