2 Write six questions and short answers for the sentences in Exercise 1. Помогите пожалуйста!



Ответ дал: nicetry1guy


2) Have I got blue eyes?
Yes, you have.

3) Has Harry got a pencil?

Yes, he has.

4) Have you got a bike?

No, I have not.

5) Have we got a big garden?

No, we have not.

6) Have my grandparents got mobile phones?

Yes, they have.

Надеюсь, помогла:)

zejnelarajlym: По-моему немного неправильно
zejnelarajlym: Но спс
Ответ дал: n4b4njkd7f
2)Have you got a pen? Yes i have 3) Has Kate got a car? no she hasnt ,yet 4) Have you read a book? Yes i had 5) Have you got problems? No i have not 6) Has Nick got a pencil? Yes he has

zejnelarajlym: Это не то задание
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