помогите с английским 8 класс страница 94 номер 6. Change the following sentences into reported speech
1. Jack said to his father, "I have lost my watch"
2.Henry said to him, "I didn't throw stones at your dog"
3. Bob said to Tom, "Henry doesn't sit next to me in class"
4. Mary said, "I don't want to wear my old dress"
5. My friend said to me, "We have plenty of time to do our work"​


Ответ дал: chifuyuk
1. Jack said to his father that he had lost his watch.
2. Henry said to him that he hadn't thrown stones at his dog.
3. Bob said to Tom that Henry didn't sit next to him in the class.
4. Mary said that she didn't want to wear her old dress.
5. My friend told me that we had plenty of time to doour work.

ArutynovaElena: спасибо огромное!
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