Трансформуй дані речення з активного стану у пасивний : 1) They serve breakfast at 8. 2) These farmers produce youghurt. 3) Captain Cook discovered Australia. 4) People play football all over the world. 5) We borrowed some books from the library. 6) The Chinese celebrate New Year in February. 7) All fans love him for his songs. 8) I love my cat. 9) My granny bakes delicious pies. 10) Students wrote two dictations yesterday. 11) Mary loves Maths. Будь ласка допоможіть,дам 70 балів.


Ответ дал: dpxx8jbk57

Ответ:     Breakfast is served at 8.

   Yoghurt is produced by these farmers.

   Australia was discovered by Captain Cook.

   Football is played all over the world by people.

   Some books were borrowed from the library by us.

   New Year is celebrated in February by the Chinese.

   He is loved by all fans for his songs.

   My cat is loved by me.

   Delicious pies are baked by my granny.

   Two dictations were written by students yesterday.

   Maths is loved by Mary.


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