I. Match the words with the same meaning.

1. a heritage
2. A convention
3. A ford
4. A landmark
5. A site
6. A revolt
7. Mankind
8. Refurbishment
9. To launch
10. To inscribe
a) a protest
b) history
c) humanity
d) to write
e) renewal
f) to start
g) a location
h) a monument
i) an agreement
j) the shallows

II. Fill in the blanks with the words from the first column
1. The people rose in ... against power.

2. Big Ben is a famous ... of London.

3. The building is part of our national ... .

4. The hotel is closed for ... .

5. He is going to ... her name on the ring.

6. ... is the place where you can see the bottom of the river.

7. The school stands on the ... of an ancient settlement.

8. We believe that war is one of the major evils facing ... .

9. Our class decided to ... the UNESCO World Heritage.

10 The World Heritage ... was established in 1972


Ответ дал: sreksanbadi


I. Match:

a heritage - b) history

A convention - i) an agreement

A ford - j) the shallows

A landmark - h) a monument

A site - g) a location

A revolt - a) a protest

Mankind - c) humanity

Refurbishment - e) renewal

To launch - f) to start

To inscribe - d) to write

II. Fill in the blanks:

The people rose in revolt against power.

Big Ben is a famous landmark of London.

The building is part of our national heritage.

The hotel is closed for refurbishment.

He is going to inscribe her name on the ring.

A ford is the place where you can see the bottom of the river.

The school stands on the site of an ancient settlement.

We believe that war is one of the major evils facing mankind.

Our class decided to launch the UNESCO World Heritage.

The World Heritage convention was established in 1972 by UNESCO.


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