Запишите правильную форму разделительного вопроса (tag questions)

Выбор вариантов: isn't it, is it, is there, haven't they, don't you, doesn't she , aren't they

1. You study Spanish,
2. These are my pens,
3. It isn't snowing,
4. Linda lives here,
5,They have arrived,
6.There isn't a hut,
7. Your name is Ali,


Ответ дал: Batszxx


1. You study Spanish, don’t you?

2. There are my pens, aren’t they?

3. It isn’t snowing, is it?

4. Linda lives here, doesn’t she?

5. They have arrived, haven’t they?

6. There isn’t a hut, is there?

7. Your name is Ali, isn’t it?


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