1. I can use a computer but my grandmother can’t. 2. Jessica … sail a boat when she was only eight. 3. Sorry, I ... do my homework yesterday because I had a headache. 4. I’m sorry, I … walk. My ankle is swollen. 5. … you swim when you were fi ve? 6. My sister … play tennis very well but I … . 7. Maria … speak three languages. 8. There was a concert last night. I … hear the music until midnight. 9. People … use computers 100 years ago.​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. I can use a computer but my grandmother can’t. 2. Jessica  could sail a boat when she was only eight. 3. Sorry, I couldn't  do my homework yesterday because I had a headache. 4. I’m sorry, I can't  walk. My ankle is swollen. 5. Could  you swim when you were five? 6. My sister can play tennis very well but I can't.  7. Maria can speak three languages. 8. There was a concert last night. I could hear the music until midnight. 9. People couldn't use computers 100 years ago.


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