написати власну думку про музику 6-8 речень, використовуючи запитання на фото



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


I think, music is certainly important in my life, some form of music is almost always playing in my house,  even in my classroom.  I need music when I'm doing anything:  walking, exercising, reading...just about everything! My family also has a musical background. My father played drums and sang in a band when he was a schoolboy. I love to sing, but usually only do so in the privacy of my own.  A good song or music can improve my mood.

I have some CDs and often download my favourite songs.  

Unfortunately, I don't often go to the concerts.

My friends and I talk a lot about music.  It serves as a connection between  generations.  


anwsxxz: дякую)
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