Exercise 76: Complete the sentences using the WORD BOX 1, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them 1. Peter and I are going out this evening....'re going to the cinema. Would you like to come with.....? 2. Where are my keys? I put ...... on the table a moment ago, but now disappeared. 3...'s usually quite cold in New York in the winter. 4. A: What did you think of the film, Simon? B:.. enjoyed .. very much. 5. 's strange that Kate didn't come to the meeting. 6. A: What do the government plan to do about education? 're going to build more schools. B:......... say that 7.......... aren't allowed to drive a car in Britain until .........'re 17 years old. 8. If you have any problems, just tell someone and they ..... 'll help you. 9. How far is. ......... from Madrid to Paris? 10. My sister and I are quite different..........'s much more serious than ......... am. ........​


Ответ дал: pevitamin84

Ответ:1. You, 2. It, 3. It, 4. I, 5. It, 6. They, 7. They, 8. They, 9. It, 10. Her, me.


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