1) automobile

a) it was discovered by Alexander Fleming in the 20" century by chance

2) steam engine

b) Ukrainian trembita is called the first kind of it

3) computer

c) its invention has made travelling easier and faster

4) telephone

d) it performs mechanical work by using steam as its working fluid

5) electricity

e) it was invented during the first Industrial Revolution and decreased the amount of manual work

6) penicillin

f) the modern world seems to be impossible without it

7) sewing machine

g long ago people were aware of shocks delivered by some kinds of fish although it hadn't been discovered yet


Ответ дал: MagicSticks


automobile - f) the modern world seems to be impossible without it

steam engine - d) it performs mechanical work by using steam as its working fluid

computer - c) its invention has made travelling easier and faster

telephone - e) it was invented during the first Industrial Revolution and decreased the amount of manual work

electricity - b) Ukrainian trembita is called the first kind of it

penicillin - a) it was discovered by Alexander Fleming in the 20" century by chance

sewing machine - g) long ago people were aware of shocks delivered by some kinds of fish although it hadn't been discovered yet

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