Correct the mistakes in sentences into Past Simple Passive Voice. 1. The door were opened by Mr Black. 2. This church was build in 1815. 3. Our house were designe by a famous architect. 4. Our car stolen last night. 5. The window was broke. 6. This book were wrote by Agatha Christie. 7. This book was give to me by Rick. 8. Pluto was discover in 1930. 9. The trees were cutted down last winter. 10. His cartoons were drawned by studio artists. 11. The car were repaired by Sam. 12. The shoes were buy.​


Ответ дал: CreckYT


1. The door was opened by Mr Black.

2. This church was built in 1815.

3. Our house was designed by a famous architect.

4. Our car was stolen last night.

5. The window was broken.

6. This book was written by Agatha Christie.

7. This book was given to me by Rick.

8. Pluto was discovered in 1930.

9. The trees were cut down last winter.

10. His cartoons were drawn by studio artists.

11. The car was repaired by Sam.

12. The shoes were bought.

Надеюсь помог, а за столько баллов даже не буду просить лучшего ответа, удачи :D!

krj19068: спасибо!!
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