Read the sentences, copy the noun combinations and write down their Russian equivalents:

1. My elder brother is a railway engineer. 2. The woman had only paper money in her handbag. 3. On Sunday many of the farmers went to the cattle market. 4. Many schoolchildren go to the football field in good weather. 5. The ticket collector entered the carriage when we Were going to get off the train. 6. It was a sunny spring day. 7. Tell me the number of the examination paper. 8. They had a good time at the birthday party.

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Ответ дал: Den4ikBoom


railway engineer - железнодорожный инженер

paper money - бумажные деньги cattle market - скотный рынок football field - футбольное поле ticket collector - контролер билетов spring day - весенний день examination paper - экзаменационный билет

birthday party - день рождения (вечеринка)

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