1.My glasses broke yesterday, so I ...(have to / them /get fix) quickly.
1. had to get them fixed.
2.have to get fix them.
3.have to fixed them.
4.had to get fixed them.
2.Dad`s bike wasn`t working, so he...(it /repair) at the bike shop yesterday.
1.repaired it
2.had it repaired
3.had repaired it
4. it repaired
3.This is great photo! I think I`II...(print / it) and made into a poster!
1.have it print
2.had it printed
3.had printed it
4.have it printed


Ответ дал: stighor



1. My glasses broke yesterday, so I had to get them fixed quickly.
2. Dad`s bike wasn`t working, so he had it repaired at the bike shop yesterday.
3. This is a great photo! I think I`II have it printed and made into a poster!

nzajcev494: зачем писать если не знаеш
stighor: 1) My glasses broke yesterday, so I had to get them fixed quickly. - Мои очки сломались вчера, поэтому мне пришлось быстро их починить.
2)Dad`s bike wasn`t working, so he had it repaired at the bike shop yesterday. -Велосипед отца поломался, так что ему пришлось отремонтировать его в (вело) мастерской.
3)This is a great photo! I think I`II have it printed and made into a poster!
- Это отличная фотография! Я думаю, я должен напечатать ее и сделать плакат!
stighor: Что здесь неправильно? Это называется: The causative.
stighor: Have + object + past participle (have something done)
I had my car washed.
John will have his house painted.
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