Complete the text with the words below. There is one extra word. drought flood forest fire lightning rain rain winds When there isn't much ¹ rain in an area for a long period of time, we can say that it is suffering from a . In areas with a lot of trees, such as the Pampas region in Argentina, forest fire. Another cause of fire is a dry this can cause a ³_forest fire thunderstorm without any When 5 strikes and strong 6 blow across the land, the risk of a fire increases. Firefighters must be vigilant and stop fires before they spread. 3​


Ответ дал: stanislav567654

Відповідь:) wildfire - i (пожар)

2) drought - e (засуха)

3) hurricane - d (ураган)

4) tsunami - j (цунами)

5) flood - f (наводнение, паводок)

6) avalanche - g (лавина)

7) landslide - a (оползень)

8) eruption - b (извержение вулкана)

9) epidemics - h (эпидемия)

10) earthquake - с (землетрясение)

11) famine - k (голод)

12) disaster - l (катастрофа)


1) erupted

2) hurricane

3) drought

4) earthquake, tsunami

5) flood

6) hurricanes

7) disaster

8) famine


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