Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или в Past Perfect.

1. We are in high spirits as we just (to finish) the exams.
2. We were in high spirits as we just (to finish) the exams.
3. She is happy because she (to buy) a new car.
4. She was happy because she (to buy) a new car.
5. Everybody is in the classroom but the teacher not (to come) yet.
6. When I entered the classroom, everybody (to be) in the classroom but the teacher not (to come) yet.
7. Tom is unhappy, he won't enter the university as he (to fail) the exams.
8. Ann is tired. She (to wash) up all the dishes.
9. Ann was tired. She (to wash) up all the dishes.
10. The child was sad. His mother (to go) to the shop.
11. The child is sad. He is alone. His mother (to go) to work.
12. Jack was in a bad mood. Hey couldn't enter his flat as he (to lose) his keys.
13. Jack is in a bad mood. Hey can't enter his flat as he (to lose) his keys.
14. She said that she never (to see) that film.
15. She said: "I never (to see) this film".
16. Bob and Bill are the best friends I ever (to have).
17. Granny asked who (to break) her favourite vase.
18. I am hungry because I not (to have) dinner yet


Ответ дал: halifalatif566



1)We are in high spirits as we have just finished the exams.

2)We were in high spirits as we had just finished the exams.

3)She is happy because she has bought a new car.

4)She was happy because she had bought a new car.

5)Everybody is in the classroom but the teacher has not come yet.

6)When I entered the classroom, everybody was in the classroom but the teacher had not come yet.

7)Tom is unhappy, he won't enter the university as he has failed the exams.

8)Ann is tired. She has washed up all the dishes.

9)Ann was tired. She had washed up all the dishes.

10)The child was sad. His mother had gone to the shop.

11)The child is sad. He is alone. His mother has gone to work.

12)Jack was in a bad mood. He couldn't enter his flat as he had lost his keys.

13)Jack is in a bad mood. He can't enter his flat as he has lost his keys.

14)She said that she had never seen that film.

15)She said: "I have never seen this film".

16)Bob and Bill are the best friends I have ever had.

17)Granny asked who had broken her favourite vase.

18)I am hungry because I have not had dinner yet.

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