придумайте 2-3вопроса пж Disasters The Great Fire of London - 1666 The Great Fire of London is one of the most well-known disasters in history. The fire began on 2nd September 1666 in Tom Farriner's bakery in Pudding Lane. He was a baker to King Charles II. It lasted four days and burnt down over 13,000 houses. People lived in houses made of wood and straw that were close together, so the fire spread very quickly. Samuel Pepys, one famous diarist, and his men managed to put out the last fire on 6th September. Sir Christopher Wren designed a monument to remind people of the Great Fire of London. It stands near where the fire started. these words RES/e TOTUBIG AT The Kebin Earthquake - 1911 The south of Kazakhstan is located on a seismic active zone, so the area has had many powerful earthquakes. In 1911 the Kebin earthquake almost completely destroyed the city of Almaty. It happened on 3rd January and over 770 buildings collapsed in the city. Many historic buildings were damaged, but one famous building survived. It was the Ascension Cathedral in Panfilov Park. At 54m high, it remains one of the tallest wooden buildings in the world. Amazingly, it survived even though there aren't any nails in the entire building! Read the title and the headings. What do you know about these tw​


Ответ дал: awouop


1. What caused the Great Fire of London in 1666?

2. Who designed the monument to remind people of the Great Fire of London?

3. How did the Ascension Cathedral in Panfilov Park survive the Kebin Earthquake in 1911?

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