Помогите, пожалуйста!
Choose the correct item.

1. When i was a child, i would/used to have a pet rabbit
2. Getting up early is hard for me, but my dad is/gets used to it because he's been a postman for 12 years.
3. Did you use/used to go skating when you were young?
4. Alice couldn't get/be used to the hotweather in Dubai.
5 Tom wouldn't/didn't use to like traditional music, but now he enjoys it.​


Ответ дал: Dogge22232

1 used

2 gets

3 use

4 be

5 didn`t

Ответ дал: Catsbiggestfan
1.When I was a child, I used to have a pet rabbit.
2.Getting up early is hard for me, but my dad is used to it because he’s been a postman for 12 years.
3.Did you used to go skating when you were young?
4.Alice couldn’t get used to the hot weather in Dubai
5.Tom didn’t use to like traditional music,but now he enjoys it.
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