срочно помогите!!!

3. A: That's a beautiful watch.

B: Thank you. It ................................................... (give) to me for Christmas.

4. A: When will I get my money?

B: It ....................................................... (put) in the bank tomorrow morning.

5. A: Are the Musical Notes a good band?

B: Yes, they are. They .......................... (award) best song of the year in 1997.

6. A: Did Shakespeare write Wuthering Heights?

B: No, of course not. Wuthering Heights.......................(write) by Emily Bronte.

7. A: What will happen to the old town library?

B: It.......................................................... (tear down) at the end of the month.

8. A: Do you do the housework?

B: No, I don't. The housework ................. (do) once a week by a cleaning lady.


Ответ дал: dimonchop


- Thank you. It was given to me for Christmas.

- It will be put in the bank tomorrow morning.

- Yes, they were awarded best song of the year in 1997.

- Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte.

- It will be torn down at the end of the month.

- The housework is done once a week by a cleaning lady.

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