1. Вставьте, где необходимо, артикль the.

1. Pablo is a doctor and he comes from _______ Argentina.
2. When we visited ______ London, we saw _______ British Museum, ______
Hide Park and ________ Baker Street.
3. ______ New York is a capital of _______ USA.
4. ______ Tretyakov Gallery was founded by _____ Pavel Tretyakov.
5. Next week my family is going to visit _______ Germany.
6. We will stay in ________ Star Hotel.
7. ______ Africa is _______ biggest continent in the world.
8. I want to see ______ Trafalgar Square and _______ Globe.


Ответ дал: dimonchop


- Pablo is a doctor and he comes from Argentina. (no article needed)

- When we visited London, we saw the British Museum, Hyde Park and Baker Street.

- New York is the capital of the USA.

- The Tretyakov Gallery was founded by Pavel Tretyakov.

- Next week my family is going to visit Germany. (no article needed)

- We will stay in the Star Hotel. (no article needed)

- Africa is the biggest continent in the world. (no article needed)

- I want to see Trafalgar Square and the Globe.

Ответ дал: Пеппер

1. Pablo is a doctor and he comes from Argentina.

2. When we visited London, we saw the British Museum, Hyde Park and Baker Street.

3. New York is а capital of the USA.

4. The Tretyakov Gallery was founded by Pavel Tretyakov.

5. Next week my family is going to visit Germany.

6. We will stay in the Star Hotel.

7. Africa is the biggest continent in the world.

8. I want to see Trafalgar Square and the Globe.

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