Complete the dialogues with I wish.... 1. a) I wish I could speak French b) Why? a) if I could speak French, I'd talk to that girl. 2. a)? b) Why? a) if I didn't have a headache, I'd go out.3. a)? b) Why? a) If I had some money, I'd go shopping. 4. a) ? b) Why? a) If my brother wasn't at home, I'd use his computer. 5. a)? b) Why? a) If the weather was nicer, I'd go to the beach. 6. a) ?. b) Why? a) if it was the weekend, I wouldn't have to go to school.


Ответ дал: s1572


2. a) I wish I didn't have a headache.

b) Why?

a) If I didn't have a headache, I'd go out.

3. a) I wish I had some money.

b) Why?

a) If I had some money, I'd go shopping.

4. a) I wish my brother wasn't at home.

b) Why?

a) If my brother wasn't at home, I'd use his computer.

5. a) I wish the weather was nicer.

b) Why?

a) If the weather was nicer, I'd go to the beach.

6. a) I wish it was the weekend.

b) Why?

a) if it was the weekend, I wouldn't have to go to school.

Чтобы составить предложение со структурой "I wish ..." нужно взять первую часть ответа до запятой без слова "if"

Например, ответ if the sky was clearer, I'd go out.

чтобы составить из этого изначальное предложение нужно взять the sky was clearer и подставить в структуру "I wish ..." тогда получиться следующее:

I wish the sky was clearer.

If the sky was clearer, I'd go out.

Объяснение длинное, но надеюсь понятное)

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