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Ответ дал: rozesz


1. She told me not to forget to call John.
2. Rick told Susan that he would pick her up at the station.

3. She said that she really would call me as soon as she arrived.
4. He told his mother that he hadn't tidied his room.

5. He asked if he should make something to eat.

6. She told her daughter that she wouldn't buy her such an expensive watch.

7. Mr. Smith told Tom that he has always playing his music late at night.

8. Mary told Jane that she was sorry she couldn't come to her wedding.

9. Jane warned not to touch the iron as it was very hot.

10. The sergeant instructed the soldiers to do a hundred sit-ups and not take too long.

11. She accused her sister of tearing her favourite blouse.

12. He asked me when I would go to the canteen.

13. She asked me what I was going to do when I came home.

14. Vera asked why their team had lost the game.

15. The man asked the boys whom they were waiting for.

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