5 ★ VOCABULARY PLUS Complete the sentence with one of the verbs in brackets. Our school doesn't allow food in the science labs. (doesn't allow / doesn't let) 1 My mum and dad only me watch TV when I finish all my homework. (allow / let) 2 Our parents us to play video games for more than an hour a day. (don't allow / let) 3 Our school (lets/bans) 4 Our dad phones in class. TVs in our bedrooms.​



Ответ дал: babcovm



My mum and dad only ALLOW me to watch TV when I finish all my homework.

Our parents DON'T ALLOW us to play video games for more than an hour a day.

Our school LETS food in the science labs. (or "Our school BANS food in the science labs.")

Our dad BANS phones in class. Our parents DON'T LET TVs in our bedrooms.

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