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Ответ дал: Morylovs

Ответ: Прошу відмітити відповідь як найкращу, якщо вона Вам допомогла.

I'm not going to the party because I have a lot of work to do.

Because it was raining, we decided to stay indoors and watch a movie.

I didn't eat breakfast because I woke up late.

Because she studied hard, she passed her exams with flying colors.

He was late for the meeting because his car broke down.

We had to cancel our trip because of the pandemic.

She couldn't come to the concert because she was feeling unwell.

Because of the traffic jam, I arrived late for my appointment.

He missed the train because he overslept.

We decided to go for a walk because the weather was nice.

Because she's allergic to seafood, she can't eat sushi.

I didn't enjoy the movie because it was too long.

Because of the noise outside, I couldn't concentrate on my work.

She was upset because she failed her driving test.

I'm learning Spanish because I want to travel to Spain.

Ответ дал: bohdankrav98


I couldn't go to the gym today because I had to work late.

He missed the train because he overslept.

She passed the exam because she studied hard.

We cancelled the picnic because it started raining.

I bought the dress because it was on sale.

He was upset because his team lost the game.

I can't eat gluten because I have celiac disease.

She decided to stay home because she wasn't feeling well.

He got a ticket because he parked in a no-parking zone.

I'm going to bed early because I have an early morning tomorrow.

She got lost because she didn't have a map.

We're going to the beach because it's going to be hot today.

He's not going to the party because he has a lot of work to do.

I don't eat meat because I'm a vegetarian.

She didn't get the job because she didn't have enough experience.

ablazizovaaida: Спасибо!!!
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