Do you always make healthy food choices? Prepare a leaflet about a healthy snack
using your own recipe. Write about the following:
1) Your snack is:_______________________________________________________________
2) Details about your snack: ______________________________________________________
– list all ingredients included in your snack: ______________________________________
– how would you describe your snack? (Hot? Cold? Cut? Baked? Flavour? Size? Texture?)_____
– how to cook your snack? _____________________________________________________
– are there any toppings on your snack? __________________________________________
3) What else can you say about your snack? _________________________________________
– why is this snack a healthier choice? ___________________________________________
– what are the best aspects of this snack? (made with little or no fat/no topping or non fat/
low fat topping/small/medium size/made with little or no added sugar/salt/fruit/vegetable)


Ответ дал: SnowWhite1990


Healthy Snack Leaflet:

1. Your snack is: Baked Sweet Potato Chips

2. Details about your snack:

  • Ingredients: sweet potatoes, olive oil, salt, black pepper
  • Description: Baked, crispy, slightly salty, small-sized, with a slightly sweet and nutty flavor
  • How to cook: Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Cut the sweet potatoes into thin slices, toss them in olive oil, salt, and black pepper. Arrange the slices in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes or until crispy.
  • Toppings: Optional toppings include grated Parmesan cheese, smoked paprika, or a sprinkle of cinnamon.

3. What else can you say about your snack?

  • Why is this snack a healthier choice? Baked sweet potato chips are a healthier alternative to regular potato chips as they contain more fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and are lower in calories and fat. Sweet potatoes are also high in antioxidants and can help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Best aspects: Made with little to no added fat, small-sized for portion control, and made with a healthy and flavorful vegetable.
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