Exercise 13: Fill the gaps with a/an, the or- (if it isn't necessary to use any article). 1. ... Niagara River connects ... Lake Erie and ... Lake Ontario. 2.... Niagara River serves as ... international border between ... USA and ... Canada mion 100 3. ... Wales is ... smallest country in ... United Kingdom. 4. ... Ukraine is ... largest country in ... Europe. 5. ... Lake Baikal is ... deepest lake on ... Earth. 6. ... Baku is situated on shore of ... Caspian Sea. ... 7. ... London is ... biggest city in ... United Kingdom. 8. ... London is ... biggest city in ... England. 9. ... UK is surrounded by ... English Channel and ... Celtic Sea. 10. ... Irish Sea separates ... Great Britain and .… Ireland.​


Ответ дал: igorbazna


The Niagara River connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

The Niagara River serves as an international border between the USA and Canada.

Wales is the smallest country in the United Kingdom.

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

Lake Baikal is the deepest lake on Earth.

Baku is situated on the shore of the Caspian Sea.

London is the biggest city in the United Kingdom.

London is the biggest city in England.

The UK is surrounded by the English Channel and the Celtic Sea.

The Irish Sea separates Great Britain and Ireland.

Ответ дал: bopod22789


The Niagara River connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

The Niagara River serves as an international border between the USA and Canada.

Wales is the smallest country in the United Kingdom.

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

Lake Baikal is the deepest lake on Earth.

Baku is situated on shore of the Caspian Sea.

London is the biggest city in the United Kingdom.

London is the biggest city in England.

The UK is surrounded by the English Channel and the Celtic Sea.

The Irish Sea separates Great Britain and Ireland.


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