Ex. 6. Fill in: would prefer... rather than, less ... than, such a, twice as ... as, the same as, the sooner ... the sooner, like.

Chris: That’s a lovely new car you’ve got, Fred. I’ve never seen 1) _______ beautiful machine. It looks 2) ________ a car from a James Bond film!

Fred: Thanks, Chris. Actually, it’s 3) __________ the one they used in the recent Batman film. I’m really happy with it.

Chris: It must be 4) _________ fast my car. But it would be far too expensive for me.

Fred: Well, these sorts of cars are 5) __________ expensive_________ you’d think nowadays. You should buy one! 6) ___________ you go down to the car showroom, _________ you’ll be driving in style!

Chris: I’m not sure, Fred. I think I 7) ___________ to spend my money on a holiday __________ on a new car. Thanks for the tip though.


Ответ дал: sprikeyt

Chris: That’s a lovely new car you’ve got, Fred. I’ve never seen such a beautiful machine. It looks twice as good as a car from a James Bond film!

Fred: Thanks, Chris. Actually, it’s the same as the one they used in the recent Batman film. I’m really happy with it.

Chris: It must be less fast than my car. But it would be far too expensive for me.

Fred: Well, these sorts of cars are not as expensive as you’d think nowadays. You should buy one! The sooner you go down to the car showroom, the sooner you’ll be driving in style!

Chris: I’m not sure, Fred. I think I would prefer to spend my money on a holiday rather than on a new car. Thanks for the tip though.

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