Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 Within minutes of the start of the game, our team scored.
2 My friend gave me a ____ exchange DVD ____ a CD.
3 My brother got a job after being ____ work for a while.
4 My ambition is to travel ____ the world.
5 UNESCO helps children all ____ the world.
6 The top of Everest is 8,848 metres ____ sea level.


Ответ дал: cevase


Within minutes of the start of the game, our team scored.

My friend gave me a DVD in exchange for a CD.

My brother got a job after being out of work for a while.

My ambition is to travel around the world.

UNESCO helps children all over the world.

The top of Everest is 8,848 metres above sea level.

Ответ дал: aubakirovaaruai37


Within minutes of the start of the game, our team scored.

My friend gave me a DVD exchange for a CD.

My brother got a job after being our of work for a while.

My ambition is to travel around the world.

UNESCO helps children all over the world.

The top of Everest is 8,848 metres above sea level.

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