6. Write the answers using will. 1) - This exercise is too difficult for me. - Don't worry. I'll help you. - 2) - It's very hot in here. 3) 5) - 4) - The phone is ringing. Where's my dictionary? I can't find it. - M I've got a headache. 6) - I'm tired ​


Ответ дал: islambekishev22


  1. Don't worry, I will help you.
  2. I will open the window.
  3. She will arrive at 7 pm.
  4. I will answer the phone.
  5. Yes, I will be there at 8 pm.
  6. You should rest, I will make dinner tonight.
Ответ дал: anjelka14111981


1) I will help you

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