6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect. 1 She 2 1 3 4 slim now. 6 7 the sun. My dad older. 5 She your hair? (lose) a lot of weight. She's very (not dye) my hair! It goes fairer in (grow) a beard. He looks (put) highlights in (not put) any make-up on today. (put on) weight? He you She looks younger. he looks fatter. She 8 The actor (not paint) her nails today. She hasn't had the time. (shave) his head for a part in a film. It looks cool.​



Ответ дал: MaryciaHry


1. She has lost a lot ...

2. I have not dyed my ...

3. My Dad has grown ...

4. Have you put highlights ...

5. She has not put any ...

6. Has he put on weight? ..

7. She has painted her ...

8. The actor has shaved his ...

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