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Fill in: x / A / AN / THE

1. “Have ________ nice weekend and I'll see you on Monday.”
2. Oh, you stink! You should take ________ shower.
3. He has been in ________ prison now for 4 years.
4. The answers are on ________ page 22.
5. It must be true. I heard it on ________ radio this morning.
6. The song has been number 1 on the charts for three weeks in ________ row.
7. We had ________ delicious dinner at the new Thai restaurant.
8. Cats are excellent hunters. They can see in ________ dark and are able to hear sounds inaudible to humans.
9. Most people prefer to pay by ________ credit card.
10. I earn up to $50 ________ hour.
11. Steven, your son is on ________ phone. He says he has some exciting news.
12. I'm rather busy at ________ moment. Can you call back later?
13. What are you going to have for ________ lunch today?
14. We woke up at ________ sunrise and had a light breakfast.
15. The problem is that I have just moved into ________ town and don't have any friends here.
16. What ________ hell are you doing here? I told you to stay at home!
17. The man was killed by ________ accident by Russian soldiers.
18. Do you think that dogs go to ________ heaven when they die?
19. I have ________ dreadful cold and feel utterly sick.
20. If you travel by ________ road you can get to Venice in about two hours.
21. What's ________ matter with you? You look terrible!
22. Listen to me! You are in ________ danger, you can't stay here!
23. The On/Off button gets hit by ________ mistake sometimes, it is right next to the identical Delete button.
24. I was on ________ way to my office when I saw her. She was so beautiful!
25. Just look me in ________ eye and tell me that you didn't do it.


Ответ дал: mamed86
1. A nice weekend
2. Take a shower
3. In prison ( ничего не ставь )
4. On the page
5. On the radio
6. In a row
7. We had a
8. In the dark
9. By - credit card ( ничего не ставь )
10. An hour
11. On the phone
12. At the moment
13. for lunch ( артикль не ставится со словами lunch , breakfast, dinner )
14. At the sunrise
15. Into town
16. What the hell
17. by accident ( ничего не ставь )
18. to heaven ( ничего не ставь )
19. a dreadful
20. by road ( ничего не ставь)
21. What’s the matter
22. In danger ( ничего не ставь )
23. By mistake ( ничего не ставь )
24. On the way to
25. in the eye
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