2. Put the verbs into active or passive.
The space probe Explorer _____________from Cape Canaveral last year.(LAUNCH)
Breakfast __________ in this hotel before 7 am. ( NOT SERVE)
Up to now no decision ____________ on the future of the company.(MAKE)
As we speak the suspect ____________ by the police.(QUESTION)
A lot of meetings _______________ but nothing has been decided yet. (HOLD)
The door ____________ for at least twenty years. (NOT OPEN)
Bicycles ____________ in this city instead of public transport.(USE)
Elections _______________ in Britain every five years. (HOLD)


Ответ дал: egorkosko3112


1.was launched,

2.is not served,

3.has been made,

4.is being questioned,

5.were held,

6.has not been opened,

7.are used,

8.are held.

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