e's Order the words to make a short email. /? /how's going/Hi/it/Stefan Hi Stefan, how's it going? 1 heard/you/have/? / Arturo/from 2 hospital/he's / in / had / because /an/ he's / accident 3 fell/he/hit / head / off/ and/his/his/ bike 4 they're / remember/so/he/ anything/ doing / some/couldn't/tests 5 soon /write /news/I'll/with/more 6 love/see / Gulnara / you​


Ответ дал: kalyamelbelt2006


Hi Stefan, how's it going? I heard you have had an accident. Arturo from the hospital said he's in because he fell off his bike and hit his head. They're doing some tests, but he couldn't remember anything. I'll write with more news soon.

Love to see you.


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