Elephants are (big / bigger / biggest) than rabbits.

This pizza is (delicious / more delicious/ most delicious) than the one we had yesterday.

A blue whale is (heavy / heavier / heaviest) than an elephant.

That was (an interesting / a more interesting the most interesting) movie I've seen this year.

The weather today is (good / better / best) than yesterday.

My sister is (tall / taller / tallest) than me.

This is (a difficult/ a more difficult / the most difficult) exam I've ever taken.

The Nile River is (long / longer / longest) than the Amazon River.

Sarah is (pretty/prettier / prettiest) than her sister.

This cake is (sweet / sweeter / sweetest) than the one we had last week.​


Ответ дал: Masterotvetovj



Elephants are bigger than rabbits.

This pizza is more delicious than the one we had yesterday.

A blue whale is heavier than an elephant.

That was the most interesting movie I've seen this year.

The weather today is better than yesterday.

My sister is taller than me.This is the most difficult exam I've ever taken.

The Nile River is longer than the Amazon River.

Sarah is prettier than her sister.

This cake is sweeter than the one we had last week.

Ответ дал: Аноним

Elephants are bigger than rabbits.

This pizza is more delicious than the one we had yesterday.

A blue whale is heavier than an elephant.

That was the most interesting movie I've seen this year.

The weather today is better than yesterday.

My sister is taller than me.

This is the most difficult exam I've ever taken.

The Nile River is longer than the Amazon River.

Sarah is prettier than her sister.

This cake is sweeter than the one we had last week.

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