Помогите срочно! Вы студент Манчестерского университета. Вы с тремя друзьями ищете дом для совместного проживания спустя шесть месяцев. Прочтите объявление и напишите Хелен Радклифф электронное письмо объемом не менее 100 слов, в котором
▸ объяснить, почему вы заинтересованы в этом доме,

▸ напишите, почему вы и ваши друзья были бы хорошими арендаторами

▸ предложите три раза осмотреть дом



Ответ дал: forumakkvanya


Hello Halen Radlickiff, my friends and I are interested in renting your house because we are ordinary students who need housing because our current house is far from our university and also there are many shops nearby.We could be good tenants because we are responsible and well-mannered and also independent if we had problems with your house during its rental we would immediately call you,we would live by your rules. And also, my friends and I would like to inspect your house several times so that we make sure that everything is fine with it, and we would also like to conclude an agreement during the lease with people so that in case of emergency there would be no questions about breakdowns in the house and in the future our relationship with you could not deteriorate in any way. I hope you will be satisfied with this course of action, we are waiting for your answer with friends

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