A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. e-reader smartwatch sound advice console future headphones 1. There must be a problem with the 2. Please, try to be more careful in the 3. I'm thinking of buying John this new game 4. Mum, I need your talking to me. What can I do? 5. I bought this 6. My new wireless were worth it! 7. A: What are you wearing on your wrist? B: My new ..I can't hear you. for his birthday. I played a joke on Maria and now she's not because it has a big screen that I can read easily. are amazing. They were a bit expensive, but they Do you like it? thom like the Future WIL​


Ответ дал: FRA1DEN


There must be a problem with the sound, I can't hear you.

Please try to be more careful in the future.

I'm thinking of buying John this new game console for his birthday.

Mum, I need your smart advice. What can I do?

I bought this e-reader because it has a big screen that I can read easily.

My new wireless headphones were worth it!

A: What are you wearing on your wrist? B: My new smartwatch.

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