Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of the verbs given. Use the irregular verb list on page 157 to help you. 1 Yesterday afternoon, I of homework. 2 Last night, my brother and I the dinner. 3 The day before yesterday, my parents 4 Two days ago, we project at school. 5 Last week, my friends and I in the sea. 7 8 (catch) a train to go to the airport. (do) a history 6 Last month, our English teacher (teach) us different parts of the body. Last year, Three years ago, my parents me a pet for my birthday. (have) a lot (make) (swim) (come) to school by bus. (buy)​


Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. Yesterday afternoon, I did my homework.
  2. Last night, my brother and I cooked the dinner.
  3. The day before yesterday, my parents went somewhere.
  4. Two days ago, we did a project at school.
  5. Last week, my friends and I swam in the sea.
  6. Last month, our English teacher taught us different parts of the body.
  7. Last year, my parents got me a pet for my birthday.
  8. Three years ago, I used to come to school by bus, but now I catch a train to go to the airport.
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